Spoiled Rotten Kritters


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This is my YORKIE page! Currently we have 3 adult females that are breeding age & 2 young females that are future breeders. I have 1 stud that weighs 4.2 lbs & his name is Buddy. He thinks he is just MR Studly for sure. I will be adding another male to my program in the future.

Gracie, Buddy & Abbi
Taking a break from work

Gracie - I was moms 1st Yorkie. I love to please her no matter what. Sometimes I just want to lay around & not do anything, but when mom calls my name I'm right there by her side. I go almost everywhere I can with her & I always behave. My mom just loves to brush me & I love to be pampered. I just sit there & let mom do what ever she wants even if I don't like it because I know she loves me!
Buddy - I'm the man & I know it. I sleep with mom ever night, under the covers at her feet. I just love blankets & to be cuddled. I hate being bathed or groomed but I know mom knows whats best for me so I let her do it. I know when she gets done I will get a treat & be cuddled in a towel. I go bye, bye with mom whenever she can take me along with Gracie. I am always a good boy for her because I know she will cuddle me at night before she goes to bed. I am DNA tested & have produced 8 litters.

I'm Gracie
Click on my picture to see if I have a litter!
I am Buddy
I Just love all the girls!
I am Casie
I'm 3 yrs old also

Casie  - I am 41/2 yrs old. I will be having babies this fall 2007.I have had 1 litter before. I don't like to be with other girls because I'm very jealous. I don't mind being with the younger girls or boys, because I'm older than they are so that makes me boss. I like to be boss. Mom has not had me only a few months but I love the attention & treats I get from her. I love people & kitty's. I have one kitten that I like to play with & I think she will sleep with me soon! I weigh about 8 lbs but Buddy will be whom I am bred with so out babies shouldn't be as big as I am.

We have 3 other females - Miss Emily, Brooke & 1 other Stud muffin Mr Teddy Bear. Updated Pic's will be coming soon on these guys!

Miss Emily & Taz man
Taz is my best friend!
My name is Abbi & I'm almost 2yrs old
I will be able to have babies soon!

You can click on any of the females pictures & it will take you to the nursery to see if they have babies available or click on males picture to take you to the available stud page!

We are Gracie & Buddy! We've been together ever since mom bought us except Abbi, which is one of our daughters. Isn't she pretty! My D.O.B. is Feb 28th, 2004 & Buddy's D.O.B is Dec 9th, 2004 & Abbi was born in Nov. of 2006

I am Abbi
I won't be having babies until Spring of 2009!

Abbi - I am Buddy & Gracie's daughter & I weigh about 6 lbs. I will be able to have babies hopefully in the spring of 2008. I get all the attention when I can squeeze my way in between anyone. I still like to chew on things & mom sometimes gets mad at me because I like to chew on shoes. I don't chew on anything else just shoes, so mom gave me a old pair so I will leave hers along. So I have my own now & don't bother hers, but I don't want anyone messing with mine. They are mine, all mine!

I am Princess Arial
I am 3 yrs old too!

Arial - I am coming in heat Oct - Nov 2008 so I should be having babies in Dec - Jan.  I also have only had 1 other litter & was a great mom! My new mommy thinks I'm very good because I smile at people & she said I am a very pretty girl. I fool alot of people because they think I'm being mean & showing my teeth, but I just like to smile to get peoples attention. HA HA! I get along with most everyone so far & I like kitty's too! Gracie doesn't like me to be around right this minute because she has babies & she is afraid I will hurt them. I like babies & I wouldn't hurt them at all. I like to snuggle with mom & Buddy. I weigh 7 1/2 lbs & Buddy & I will produce beautiful babies soon! ! !

Spoiled Rotten Kritters
Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.
517-536-8801   or   517-315-8676