Spoiled Rotten Kritters


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This is Tiffany & she will be added to our breeding program! She should be around 6lbs full grown. She is quickly becoming one of my favorites. She just loves everyone and loves to give kisses. I had to keep her baby pic on here because I just love the baby pic's!

I'm Tiffany now!
D.O.B. 1-3-07

I'm Tiffany! I just love to love you!
D.O.B 1-8-07

This is Teke! Her D.O.B. is May of 2007! She was  just tiny white puff ball. She will be about 5 lbs full grown! She also loves to give you kisses & she just gets this funny expression on her face like you know she is full of something!

I'm Teke! I love to play you catch me.
Now if you have treats that a whole other story! I want my treat now!
My name is Teke
Mom's getting ready to wash our blankets & I'm trying to hide in them!
Oct 2008
Taz & Tiffany
My name is Taz! I will be the stud for these girls
Thats is when I get big enough. I should only be around 4 lbs full grown!
June 2008

I am just a little guy about 5lbs & I love to sleep with mom! I just love to snuggle. My best friend right now is Miss Emily! She is a yorkie & a couple of months older than me. But I follow her every where because she thinks she is a big girl now! She picks on me sometimes but I wait till she's sleeping & tackle her. She never gets mad a me, she just starts playing with me. This is my baby picture, but you can see what I look like now with Tiffany above! Most of the Pics you can dbl click on & they will enlarge!

Takota is a great mommy & just so laid back!
She is a Akc Maltese about 3yrs old. She just loves everyone!

Takota is just very laid back about everything. She just wants to please. We also have Tillie Lillie (pic's coming soon) She is a bigger girl and only about 1 1/2 yrs old. She just loves to play & loves the attention!

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Spoiled Rotten Kritters
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517-536-8801   or   517-315-8676