Spoiled Rotten Kritters

Studs Available

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DO YOU NEED STUD SERVICE??? You have reached my stud availability page. You will find all my males that can be used for stud service of the different breeds. Most of them are proven AKC studs with Dna tested! Call or email me for more info or setting up arrangements. 

My name is Teddy! I'm a AKC Yorkshire Terrier
D.O.B. 06-15-08 I weigh 3.2lbs I'm also DNA tested
I am only 3 lbs full grown. My name is Manny
I am CKC reg. I am a apricot toy poodle

I am Taz-a-man. Akc Maltese
I weigh about 5lbs & I am 3yrs old!

My name is Brodie! AKC Cocker Spaniel
I am 4 yrs old! I am handsom guy & I love everyone!

I'm Cappy! I am 7 but still going strong
I just love the girls & very proven Blue & wht

My name is Kricket & I am AKC Shih Tzu
I am 6 mon old in this pic! Mom has to update.

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Spoiled Rotten Kritters
Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.
517-536-8801   or   517-315-8676