Spoiled Rotten Kritters

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This is Manny! He is a Toy poodle. His weight is 3 lbs & was born May of 2007. He is CKC reg.

I am Manny a whole 3.2lbs
I was born in May of 2007
My name is Roxy, D.O.B. 8-26-08
I am a pure bred Pomerianian

I  got Roxy off of a friend that was moving out of town & couldn't take her. I wish I had 1/2 her energy. Her name should have been teasy because she does like to tease you! I will be breeding her with Manny. She weighs a whole 7lbs! They will have some beautiful & smart Pom-a-poo's!

Occasionly I sell dogs and or pups for friends of mine that just don't have places to keep them. I will list them either on this page or nursery page that will be specified if they are from my litters or not.

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Spoiled Rotten Kritters
Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.
517-536-8801   or   517-315-8676