Spoiled Rotten Kritters

Cocker Spaniel

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Here you will find my AKC Cocker Spaniels! So far we have 2 females & 2 males. Kracker stays at my moms house most of the time. My step dad fell in love with him! Cockers are very good family dogs! They shed very little if they are groomed on a weekly basis. They are easily trained & just want to please if you give them your love & attention just like most other breeds.

My name is Goldie & I turned 1 yr old in May
Mom says I have the prettiest eyes because thats how she named me. My eyes are gold!

We should have a litter of Buff Cockers in Jan 2010. Both girls should be coming in soon. Goldie & Brody are Buff in color, but the male also throws silver buff, buff & wht & sable. So we will see what we get when the time comes. Kracker is wht w/buff spots & he comes from a choc & tan dad & buff mom. But his dad also throws sable color too!

Kracker Lives at my moms house!

My name is Cheyann & I just love attentionI
I am 3 yrs old & haven't had any babies yet but I will soon!

This is my Brody BOY!
We have a beautiful Buff male akc reg. Cocker named Brody! He is just a great dog that loves to please! He is a proven Stud & produces large beautiful litters. He has a few white freckles on his nose. He is such a big chicken when it comes to storms that I have to let you know what he did. I laughed so hard I could have cryed! I had all 3 of them running loose in a fenced in large lot in back of my house. It started to rain so I wanted to make sure they could get into there houses & that the doors hadn't shut or something. Well, I called the girls & they came but know Brody. He had never climbed the fence or anything so I couldn't figure out where he went. I called frantically and looking all over for him. I walked up the road & my property line calling & calling for him. I was ready to get into my car & happened to look out back & noticed that there little swimming pool that I fill up for them to play in when its hot outside was tipped upside down. I went in to pick it up because I didn't know how hard it was suppose to rain & I didn't want the rain to cave this pool in. When I lifted it up there was Brody all curled up like he couldn't move under this pool. I can't believe he hadn't even moved it at all the whole time I was calling him. I had went by this a dozen times but really didn't pay any attention because I was worried about finding him. I had to literly pick him up to get him to move. Just had to Share!

My name is Brody & I'm 2 yrs old!
I have already sired 2 litters.

This is our Mr. Brody. He is also Buff with white freckles on his nose. Just a very laid back boy. He is a lover! Just loves everyone & everything & Oh, he does love the girls & is a proven stud too!

This is the 2 girls together. I just had to add!
I just love this picture of these 2 because they are together all the time.

We are the GIRLS!
I'm Goldie & I'm Missy. Mom thinks we are very pretty! We both like to be between your feet & don't think your going to get out of our site! The boys think they can come between us but we have to put them in their place from time to time. We stick together.


Click on moms picture & it will take you to puppies available page.
Click on dads picture & it will take you to the stud page.

Spoiled Rotten Kritters
Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.
517-536-8801   or   517-315-8676